what is nature of reality

Reality is term which define by our senses ,we See,Feel,Touch and any type of response which make think us of existence of something is reality. but many times we don,t observe the things or incapable or sensing things with our senses but it still exists then how we come to conclusion of existence of any type of reality ,like about Prior to Anton van Leeuwenhoek‘s discovery of microorganisms in 1676,we even don’t know that microorganism like creature were reality or there was nothing like microorganism.

Today we know existence of microscopic living world because we find a method to observe them through microscope and other experiments which prove their existence.

so on this basis of observations and sensing we may categorise reality in different typed fooling our self or brain through different techniques like man made reality which is virtual reality ,living in the world with observing world with our senses without manipulating our senses is observable reality .and things which we have not yet observe by our senses and still our theories and philosophies some what prove there existence is termed as belief like we all mostly belief in god or some type of supernatural power but we also know that science is not able to explain it because science uses techniques, method and observations developed by calculation ,comparison ,and sensing of objects and energies present in form of waves or present in form of matter. but other then our limits of senses does some thing come as real or reality. may be answer resides in our deep and complex brain working .

when we see something from our eyes our brain form picture of object inside of our brain itself it-means it make a copy of image inside our brain.the quality and colour of brain depends on the quality of eye and sensing of observer ,if the observer is colour blind than what is reality for him may he or she did’t see red colour or any colour or see whole picture in monochrome .

it means reality is depend’s on observation and it is relative to observer .

it also depens on belief of observer belief is capable of make change in reality like according to quantum physics :-


Quantum entanglement is a physical phenomenon that occurs when pairs or groups of particles are generated or interact in ways such that the quantum state of each particle cannot be described independently of the others, even when the particles are separated by a large distance.

in some experiments we observe that identical sub atomic particles are co related to each other and making change on one put effect on other no matter how far they are from each other.

same type of effect occur when an observer create a virtual image of reality in his brain the change in out side reality make change in reality created inside brain . the observer has more belief on outside world as he feel it from his all senses so outside reality is capable of creating change in his observation .

observation of observer is his perception a form of reality for him .but the reality is something which is mostly same for most of the observer and all of them are capable of observing some part of reality as persecution based on their senses and understanding .

like sun is reality but observing sun revolving around earth is perception before Galileo and after science proof the sun is in centre and earth is revolving around sun reality of sun change with the change in perception because this time we have more detail about sun then we have previous.

so for observer reality is not stable it changes with change in the way you perceive reality .world we see is our perception and it may be different for different people based on their own observation ,knowledge and belief .

this is also the proof that why different GOD of different religion helps and mostly support their own religion.

and that’s why other creatures other then humans on earth have no specific GOD and religion.


” the things which you see as reality is your perception it may be part of reality or may be not, clearer the filter of your knowledge and understanding towards reality ,closer your perception to that reality. “

Shape and size of the universe

Universe seems to be size, that we can see far from our observations, there may be something that we may not imagine ,the forces of nature changes with the change in atomic structure of molecule ,if we connect it with world we living many forces and secrets are still a riddle which when solved make a new question, that what is far beyond then our world we just travel up to our solar system but not even in detail we just scratched a surface or may be even lesser ,it seems that there is lot of things to be discover with every discovery some thing new get added in the history of humans development .there are many explanation to the size of universe but if we see the current science explanation there are numbers of theories ,but as we grow and start decoding universe .

Is the universe is infinite?

The universe may be infinite, but we can only see a finite section of it due to the finite speed of light. We can only see those parts from which light has had time to reach us since the beginning of the universe – which means we can (in theory) see a spherical universe with radius of about 47 billion light years.
Above we see that universe may be of shape that we observe ,which is observable universe .Truth is that we can only predict its shape and size, with current resources available to humans the fastest means of measurement of space is measuring the light coming from the far galaxies and stars ,measuring the change in intensity of light give us measurable data this is only practical way available until we understand the nature of time as we think we understand light and its properties .
due to the continuous expansion more faster the light travel practically it is beyond our limits to measure its size and shape .
we even did not know that space is expending or contracting so on what we believe.
The answer resides in our past the scripts from past contain every answer that the universe is itself a illusion created by observer the more we find and this never end as it is property of true illusion that it never ends until some one break your illusion .
Have you heard about Dr.Stephen Hawking and his achievements , Hawking was the first to set out a theory of cosmology explained by a union of the general theory of relativity and quantum mechanics.
Best part is that if you relate his theory it may seems similar to stories written in ancient Vedic text about universe that also explain universe as a form of illusion .
so at last we get to answer of our question which are best at least for now .
1:- That space is illusion that exponentially grows with the observation of an observer and we never find its edge until we find a way of observation or measurement which is not govern by effect of time means time independent method.
2:- for now we know the size and shape of universe is 47 billion light years distant from us but it is also a prediction based on calculating the age of distant light which reach to us until now .but what if after big bang expansion contain also some matter which were never form as stars so never give there presence in universe may these particles are just like dust of matter in space to understand this i explain you with an example .

think this fire blast as big bang and there sparks as stars formed after big bang the sparks emits light so if we try to observe its expansion from inside with measuring the distant spark from anywhere from inside or near centre we need to measure the intensity of light or in easy way distance of light cover from farthest spark.

but if we imagine some particles such as dust and smoke shock wave which also get blasted outward from centre and we don’t have means or medium to measure how can we come to result that we can predict size and shape of expansion .we even don,t know that what is position of observer unless we get the outer edge or centre of blast, so we only get mostly circular or spherical shape observation of space.

all above is my understanding it may vary from truth please comment that what you think and what the reason behind your understanding .